We need your help to complete a large national health survey

The data we gather from this survey will allow us to better understand the health of Americans and help pave the way for new treatments for various conditions

MyGiHealth Learning Center

Understanding your symptoms is the first step toward feeling better.

The Learning Center empowers you with answers to the important questions you have about your Gi disorder.

Visit the Gi Learning Center

Personal Use With Your Mobile Device

Use our academically researched and validated tools to gain control over your symptoms. Assess, track, and compare your symptoms to benchmarks, and learn more about them from an Education Prescription©.

Personal Use

Clinical Use Connecting Healthcare Professionals To Patients

Working with experts in patient communication and computing technology, doctors at Cedars-Sinai, the University of Michigan and UCLA have re-engineered the role of technology in clinical practice.

Clinical Use

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Your email is safe with us! We will never give your information to a third party. You can expect about one email per month.

About MyGiHealth

My Total Health was founded to enable patients to monitor, manage, and understand their symptoms for a range of conditions. MyGiHealth is the first of a pipeline of novel health applications created by the team.

Meet the Team