
Patient Assessments and Online Ratings of Quality Care: A “Wake-Up Call” for Providers

Dr. William Chey discusses potential ways in which physicians can interact with online patient evaluation websites (PEWs) to improve doctor-patient communication and manage their reputation online.

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As seen in Prevention : By PENELOPE ROSE MORRISON Remember chatting with your friends about how you hadn't pooped all week? Of course you don't, because that conversation never happened. Constipation isn't the most comfortable of topics. But for most women, occasional...

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‘Predictive Overbooking’ Can Maximize Endoscopy Scheduling

As seen in Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News : by Caroline Helwick Washington—The strategy of “ predictive overbooking” can optimize endoscopy scheduling and negate the effect of no-show patients, according to researchers who used it to streamline their clinic’s operation at...

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How to reduce the disparities in colon cancer outcomes

As seen on KCRW : Listen to the original story here. This week we’ve been looking at colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States for men and women, combined. It is expected to kill about...

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Why African-Americans are at a greater risk of colon cancer

As seen on KCRW : Listen to the original story here. Each year, about 140,000 Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer, and more than 50,000 die from it. That’s bad news, but for African-Americans, it’s even worse. > “African-Americans are...

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The stigma of colonoscopies and African-American risk of colon cancer

As seen on KCRW :  Listen to the original story here. Nearly 50,000 Americans are expected to die from colorectal cancer this year. It’s one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. African-Americans are more likely than any other...

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A Profound Example of Digital Health Getting it So Right

Although I am a technophile who actively studies the impact of digital health solutions in the clinical trenches, I have also written about how hard it is to do digital health. My research team at Cedars-Sinai has witnessed, first-hand, what...

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Why You Should Get Your Colonoscopy First Thing in the Morning (Or, Why Skilled Doctors Can Blow It)

Imagine your doctor just informed you it’s time to get screened for colon cancer. She recommends a colonoscopy – a test to look inside your colon using a flexible tube with a miniature camera on the end. She explains that...

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Cedars-Sinai's Brennan Spiegel: Digital health no easy feat

Published in FierceHealthIT Digital health is at its infancy, and even technical solutions that hold great potential to transform health outcomes can be waylaid when applied to everyday humans, Brennan Spiegel, director of health services research at Cedars-Sinai Health System,...

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Why Digital Health is Harder Than You Might Think: A Reality Check From the Clinical Trenches

Brennan Spiegel, MD, MSHS Director of Health Services Research, Cedars-Sinai Health System Digital Health in the Clinical Trenches: A Reality Check We often hear that digital health is transforming medicine at a breathtaking pace. Each day brings news of an...

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Latinos, Blacks with family history of CRC less likely to receive colonoscopy than whites

As seen in Healio Gastroenterology  Almario CV, et al. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015;doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2015.02.038. Among individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer, Latinos and blacks were less likely to undergo guideline-recommended screening colonoscopy compared with whites, according to recent study...

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Computer versus physician identification of gastrointestinal alarm features

Full article published in the International Journal of Medical Informatics. Objective It is important for clinicians to inquire about “alarm features” as it may identify those at risk for organic disease and who require additional diagnostic workup. We developed a computer...

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MyGiHealth team finds that doctors’ lapse may explain some lag in colon cancer screening for African Americans

Published in Reuters Health : Racial minorities may be more likely to forego colon cancer screening than whites because their healthcare providers don’t recommend the potentially life-saving tests, a new study in California suggests. “It was interesting because this study suggests...

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What’s the big deal with gluten?

William D. Chey partners with TED to unravel the facts behind celiac disease, wheat allergies and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

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Several new drug treatments benefit patients with IBS

Watch Dr. William Chey discuss several different abstracts he presented at DDW 2015 with data on new drug treatments for irritable bowel syndrome.

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Digital Health in the Clinical Trenches : A Reality Check

We often hear that healthcare lies on a precipice of transformative change. Each day brings news of an innovation poised to alter the practice of medicine. Technophiles announce that digital health advances such as electronic health records (EHR), mobile health...

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Digital manometry comparable to anorectal manometry for diagnosis of dyssynergic defecation

Watch Dr. William Chey discuss an abstract he presented at DDW 2015 that addresses a novel device developed to identify patients with dyssynergic defecation.

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Doctors no match for computers at accurately recording patient symptoms

As seen in the LA Times : A computer system was more effective than doctors at recording patient symptoms, highlighting the potential of computers to improve medical results, according to research by Cedars Sinai. The study evaluated the treatment of 75...

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The Future of GI Disease Monitoring

Watch Dr. Brennan Spiegel discuss new technology to monitor GI diseases, including mobile health applications, wearable biosensors, and social media.

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