Pregnancy and Postpartum Bowel Changes

Although it's well known that pregnant women often suffer from GI distress, including nausea, vomiting, and heartburn, it's less well known that many women develop GI problems long after having delivered a baby. These post-partum problems range from constipation, to painful defecation, to fecal incontinence. It is important to raise awareness about the long-term GI consequences of pregnancy, and for women suffering from GI symptoms after delivery to know that they are not alone and can seek help. In this article published in the April 2015 edition of the American Journal of Gastroenterology, experts from Temple University in Philadelphia review the latest evidence linking pregnancy and the postpartum period to GI symptoms. The article reviews the often multifactorial causes of GI problems in and around childbirth, discusses current knowledge about how to prevent GI problems, and also how to treat these conditions. If you are a woman who has experienced GI problems since childbirth, you should consider visiting a qualified healthcare provider to learn more about treatment approaches to restore your GI health.

- Commentary by Dr. Brennan Spiegel

Click here to read the full article that inspired Dr. Spiegel’s expert opinion : Pregnancy and Postpartum Bowel Changes: Constipation and Fecal Incontinence.

Click here to listen to fellow MyGiHealth expert, Dr. William Chey, discuss these issues in more depth.